Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Changing The Education System

Primary Education is the most important part of any individual's life. It decides our mindset. It decides how we look at our life. Quality of Primary Education in India is reaching its worst. It just makes the students mug up everything they see without understanding a word and still they score heavily in exams.
"Thinking rather than thought should be taught."
In schools, students should be exposed to real world problems. Let them create their own opinions, we should get them thinking. Primary Educators should be selected carefully. They should be paid higher. In Japan, Primary Educators are highest paid employees. . The delivery of quality education is possible only through quality teachers. The teacher has to be a committed teacher who loves teaching and children. The teacher also has to be equipped with all the knowledge required for effective teaching. The self-esteem of the teacher must be high and the teacher must have the quality to become a role model for children.
" An Investment in Knowledge always pays the best interest "
Suggesting to do good things in life is different from motivating to do so. We agree that, every school always tells students to do good things, but generally they don't motivate them to do so. We also agree that, Parents have larger impact on children's mindset, but no school has ever dared to tell their children that their parents can also make mistakes and they should learn from those to avoid them.
One way of motivating the students could be having discussion sessions in the class. Let them express what they think, let them debate out their point. They might be wrong, but through this they will learn why they were wrong & will never make those mistakes in their life. We can expose our students to some innovative competitions in which there will be groups of 4-5 students, everyone in the class must participate, they will be given some issues like reservations, corruption, etc. They have to come up with the solution not necessarily the perfect one, but they have to discuss about it in their groups, talk about it with their parents and teachers and finally they have to present their solution in front of others, best of these will be awarded prizes. When this is implemented successfully at intra-school level then it can be promoted to inter-school level.
What we are providing the Indian students is not at all education. Education does not mean producing doctors & engineers etc., but it's about teaching people what they like in a proper manner so that they can implement it to achieve their goals and earnings automatically come.
“The great aim of education is not only knowledge but action.
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."
This is nowhere in our education system. We agree that, everyone will not be able to teach these things, but those, who can, are staying away from this field. Obviously, everyone wants to earn back from what they have paid for their education, but those who have the ability can come back to teaching profession may be after 10-15 years, just to increase the quality of education. As what we, the students, are getting today is worst. If we will not try to get it back to level where it was previously, there will not be a single person who could mould the mindset of students.
Children who belong to weaker sections of our society are undernourished and only a small percentage of them manage to complete eight years of satisfactory education. We need to think specifically about them. Education is indeed a fundamental right of every Indian child. Can we allow the situation to continue in which millions of these children are forced into life-long poverty? The requirement is that the parents should be able to go to any school nearby and admit their children and happily come back home with the confidence that their children will get a good and value based quality education in that school. The conditions of differently-abled children require equally important attention. In view of such critical issues and their importance and also to break out of our historical mindset, an effective and self-renewing education system is therefore fundamental to the survival and growth of civilizations.
Clearly public expenditure alone from governments at the Centre and in the States might not be able to meet the challenge of mobilizing an additional 2 to 3 per cent of GDP for the mission of education. It is here that we have to generate additional resources for this noble mission. Expenditure on education, whether in the Centre or in the States, can no longer be provided only by respective Ministries or Departments for human resource development. Indeed, every Department of the Government must play a significant role as a partner in human resource development organization and contribute resources in terms of budget and infrastructure for implementing the mission of providing quality education to the whole nation.
To augment Government resources, we appeal to the entire corporate sector to emulate the example set by some corporate leaders who have focused on education to make a national difference. Different regions of the country may be adopted by the corporate sector within an overall national mission for education. The mechanism should enable persons to have freedom to innovate and deliver directly.
The primary focus of the students should be to excel in their studies. This is their first contribution to the development of the nation. The education system should instill in the minds of students capacities of inquiry, creativity, technology, entrepreneurial and moral leadership. If we develop in all our students these five capacities, we will produce “Autonomous Learner” a self-directed, self controlled, lifelong learner, who will have the capacity to both respect authority and at the same time is capable of questioning authority, in an appropriate manner. These are the leaders who would work together as a “Self-organizing Network” and transform India into a developed nation in a time bound manner.

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